Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Days

I can't believe it's already summer. Where did the year go? Last school year I was blessed to be able to work at a middle school teaching English. It was incredible! I loved every minute of it and wish that I could stay for next year, but with budget cuts and our terrible economic status that just isn't possible. This is the worst possible time for being a teacher. Who would have thought that having a M.Ed. and now 2 teaching credentials that I wouldn't be able to get a freakin' job? It's crazy, just plain crazy! We are now into summer. Chris didn't get summer school because of budget crunches and we are both home for the summer with no money. Not the best place to be, but at least we will be able to get our home a little more organized. I'm looking forward to finding serenity at home once more. We are currently pursuing projects that are time consuming, but don't take a lot of money. We'll keep you posted as to how that goes. Until then, Happy Summer!